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Fundraising Programs

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Super Ticket Program

The Super Ticket is a combination participant activity and fundraiser. It consists of a virtual scratch card game and a bundled package price for traditional fundraising items typically offered at registration (mulligans, raffle tickets, or drink coupons). The primary purpose is to encourage the participant to purchase everything in one stop. The golfers are not asked for money throughout the day. The most successful events collect funds one time from the golfer. The participant is rewarded with a chance to win a predetermined prize as a bonus for playing the game.

The Super Ticket is the medium to consolidate small dollar purchases into one At the "Heart" of the Program is the: Scratcher Card The front of the ticket can be blank, or customized to advertise your event, list contributing sponsors, items included on the Super Ticket and price. The concept is to make the price of the ticket below the value of all the components. The more items included with the ticket, the higher the face value. Offer items on the Super Ticket that cannot be purchased elsewhere in the event, such as a special raffle prize or course contests The back of the “Scratcher Card” is a virtual game of golf — everyone loves to play. A score is tallied after player scratches a medallion for each hole. Low score wins. You can develop your own prize or have one included with your package purchase.

  • This is a bundled mulligan package sold at registration

  • Winning score wins a Pebble Beach Apparel Shopping Spree valued at $250.00

  • Includes custom printing on the back of the scratch card

  • Program is sponsor friendly and can be sold as a sponsorship opportunity

  • Cost is $8.50 per card sold, minimum guarantee of 50 cards

  • Sell for $45.00 and NET $36.50 per card sold

  • Includes a wooden tabletop information sign

  • Includes the Scratch Card Guilt Stickers

  • All unsold cards above the 50 are returned for full credit. Only pay for what you sell

Revenue Example:

  • 140 players in the event

  • Sell 119 cards (the historical buy rate is 85%)

  • 119 tickets X $36.50 Net per card = $4,343.50 NET, with little le or no risk!

  • Recruit a sponsor to underwrite all or part the fixed cost of the Super Ticket program. Most packages offer an option to return unused tickets beyond the minimum required purchase. What about signage? Above Par Promotions will

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Helicopter Golf Ball Drop

Helicopter Ball Drop

Above Par Promotions is the nations leading provider of helicopter golf ball drops.  Fly with us and check out the most profitable fundraiser you can do!


We take care of the details:

  • Schedule the helicopter, drop time and course details

  • Create link to your event website to sell “E” tickets

  • Link includes merchant account

Package Cost $1,500-1900.00*

*Price may vary depending on location and aircraft availability

**If you are able to secure a helicopter free of charge, we still offer the golf ball rental and the website.  Contact us for pricing.

Prize(s) is determined and provided by the tournament
Award one prize for golf ball dropped in the cup
Award multiple prizes for proximity

*Shipping of pre-numbered golf balls is additional.  Amount is based on the number of balls needed.

Gross Revenue Projections

Sell Price500 tickets1000 tickets1500 tickets





*Sell as a stand alone or include as part of a title sponsorship!

*Sell to people who do not play in the event. Typically, 85% of your data base is not present at the tournament. E-tickets are a great medium to encourage participation of your target market!

*On-line payment insures quicker operating revenue!

 Click here to watch a video of a helicopter golf ball drop that we produced


Sample Set Up


The link for the golf ball drop will provide basic event information, price of tickets and the option to purchase tickets.  The ticket purchase screen is linked to your merchant account.  A logo can be added  if this is sold as a sponsored event.


Below is an example of the purchase section of the email link:


Total # of TicketsDollar AmountEvent Tickets

5 Event Tickets$100.005

4 Event Tickets$80.004

3 Event Tickets$60.003

2 Event Tickets$40.002

1 Event Ticket$20.001


A button will be shown  that takes the purchaser to the merchant account for buying.


Above Par Promotions’Helicopter Golf Ball Drop Details

How it Works—Prior to event

  1. Agree to the drop promotion. Lock in the helicopter date as early as possible.

  2. Design the email link and set-up merchant account.

  3. Make email link available 70-90 days prior to event.

  • Include message stating chances will not be sold tournament day.

  • Forward information to friends and colleagues that might participate.

  • Send repeat emails every 30 days leading up to the event

4. Sell the golf ball drop as a new sponsorship for typically $3,000-$5,000.

How it Works - Day of Event

  1. Helicopter will fly to and land on the golf course property to pick up the golf balls. Above Par Promotions arranges permission from the course for flight path and location of golf ball drop.

  2. The numbered golf balls will be in separate bags for ease of transport and bagged appropriately for the number of tickets sold.

  3. Helicopter will take off, buzz around the course, then hover over the predetermined drop site. Golf Balls will be dropped at the designated target. The golf ball that lands in the cup or closest to the pin is the winner. Event management should consider options for multiple winners.

  4. Golf balls in target area will be reclaimed by tournament volunteers and left with the course for disposition to Above Par Promotions.

  5. In the event of inclement weather, a reschedule for the drop will be provided based on coordination and availability with the course. There is no cancellation option once the helicopter is booked.

  6. A wait time fee of $75/hour will apply if the helicopter is made to wait while at the course.

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Par 3 Poker Challenge

Par 3 Poker Challenge

This golf fundraiser program is a wonderful way to raise more money and add fun to the players overall tournament experience.   A complete turnkey program includes the par 3 poker game cards, 5 decks of playing cards and a $100 Callaway Gift Card for the winning hand.

How It Works

  1. Game is normally initiated at the registration table as a stand alone offer or a value added item for the Super Ticket program.

  2. Each participating player receives a game card and picks a playing card at the registration table.

  3. Tournament management has a table at each par 3 hole (normally four). Player selects one card from a deck. Staff identifies which card is selected and marks the challenge card. After all par 3 holes, the player will have selected five cards.

  4. The player with the highest rated hand wins a $100 Callaway Gift Card provided by Above Par Promotions.

  5. The average charge to the player, if a stand alone contest, ranges from $5 to $20.

Cost of the program is only $295.00 and includes up to 144 game cards, 5 decks of playing cards and a $100 Callaway Gift Card.

Sample Challege Card

Helpful Tips

  1. It is important to advertise this contest in the pre tournament communications.

  2. There are some logistics to insure a successful contest.

  3. Each Par 3 hole must be staffed. Every participant must be reminded to draw a card at each event hole. The staff must mark the participants card. There must be staff available to tally the cards and select a winner.

  4. This is a great sponsor opportunity for visibility throughout the event. The Sponsor can use their staff at each par 3 on the course to distribute and mark the challenge card.

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Exploding Golf Ball Fundraiser

Sell the golf balls at the registration/check-in table either as a stand- alone program or part of a bundled mulligan package. This is also a very sponsor friendly sponsorship opportunity! If the player agrees to purchase, have them randomly pick a ball out of a bucket. They will know that it is either an exploding ball or a streamer ball. On a designated tee box on the course, have the players hit their normal shot for tournament play, then, move over to the side and hit their exploding ball. Have a photographer or videographer there to capture the images. The player who has chosen the streamer ball and hits it, will win the challenge, totally random.  When hit, the streamer ball will break apart and a 15 foot ribbon will fly down the fairway. For a 100 player tournament, we will ship 99 exploding balls and 1 streamer ball. This program is a unique fundraiser, and fun twist to the tournament, while helping to increase the fundraising effort.

Golf Ball Fundraiser Package includes:

  • 99 exploding golf balls

  • 1 streamer golf ball

  • Tee sign that can be customized with a sponsor’s logo/name

  • A certificate for a $200.00 Pebble Beach Apparel shopping spree for the winner

  • Package cost is $445.00

*If more balls are needed to accommodate a larger event, there will be a modest surcharge based
on the number of balls needed.

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World's Best Putting Contest

Have you ever participated in a putting contest that requires you to make a 60 foot putt in order to win a prize? It’s not very fun or a good way to invest in the event. Here is another format for a putting contest that expands participation and creates a framework to raise revenue. No videotaping, certification or claim process.  And best of all, there is no cost for this program other than the winning prize.

Grab some old golf balls and number them with a sharpie 1 to however many golfers you are expecting.  See the entry into the putting contest at the registration table and give a ball to each buyer.

About ten minutes prior to everyone heading out the course, make an announcement for the players to grab their putting and come to the putting green.  Have one hole in the middle of the green as the target and remove all others.  Tell everyone to circle the green and drop their numbered ball.  Give them a count down and then everyone putts their numbered ball toward the target hole at the same time.  This looks like a big pinball machine taking place.  The first numbered ball into the hole wins the prize!

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Golf Ball Cannon Program

*For Texas based events only.
We will bring out the air cannon to your next event.  Sell the program as a sponsorship opportunity, for between $1500-2500.00.  Each player will get to shoot the cannon, and this replaces their normal shot in a scramble format.  Depending on current weather conditions, the ball will travel between 300-350 yards.  Set it up on a long par 5 or short par 4.
Cost is $650-750.00* and includes a custom air cannon sponsor sign.
*Price depends on travel distance.

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